RONO HILL, Mar 6: As a part of International Women’s Day Celebration, IWD Committee RGU With the support of Centre for Distance and Online Education, RGU conducted an online talk on Understanding the Protection of Sexual Harassment Act, 2013 (PoSH Act). The Protection of Women from Sexual Harassment Act, 2013 safeguards the women from sexual harassment at the workplace. The law aims to make workplaces safe for women and to provide encouraging work environment. Prof. Sarah Hilaly, President Rajiv Gandhi University Teachers’ Association, welcomed everyone to the session.

Advocate Leeza Dutta Singh the Founder and Managing partner of AD-riot Links chaired the session as the keynote speaker and highlighted the historical background of the Act, stressing back from Bhanwari Devi’s case and the evolution of India’s sexual harassment protection laws for women, and the Supreme Court’s 1997 Vishakha guidelines for workplaces. Adv. Leeza also apprised the session regarding the University Grants Commission (Prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations, 2015 (UGC Regulations).
Every employee regardless of gender—whether a woman, intern, or contractual worker—has rights under this Act, this law empowers women not just to report harassment but to work in an environment where they feel safe and respected, the rights of forming of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) in workplaces for fair and confidential inquiry was also highlighted during the session. Prof Elizabeth Hangsing Director, WS & RC, RGU stated that when we have the Law and its institution everyone must obtain or urge to protect their right whenever they feel unprotected. Dr. Devi Baruah Chairperson of the session delivered the vote of thanks, and the programme concluded with national Anthem. More than 100 participants joined the online talk to get enlightened about the Act.